Official Kids Mag October 2024 | Page 28

I ’ m From Around Here :

Native Species in Arkansas

Courtesy Northsong Wild Bird Rehabilitation
Have you ever heard of the word “ native ” when referring to plants and animals ? A native plant or animal is one which originates from or was born in a particular place or location . Native plants and animals are naturally occurring in these areas and are often adapted for their environment . Examples of Arkansas native plants and animals include barred owls , eastern copperheads and purple coneflowers . What other native plants and animals can you think of ?
A nonnative animal or plant is one that is brought into a new place or location by humans or other methods , in which it does not naturally occur . If a nonnative organism does harm in an ecosystem , it is referred to as invasive . Examples of Arkansas nonnative plants and animals include European starlings , Bradford pears and feral hogs .
There is an intricate connection between native organisms within an environment . Many organisms support each other , creating a web that ties them together to help them survive and thrive . Native plants provide security and nutrients for many animals , one of which being our native birds . When you think about our native birds , which ones come to mind ? Birds such as northern cardinals , American robins , Carolina wrens and red-tailed hawks are all examples of native birds . How do our native plants support these birds and other native species ?
Songbirds and woodpeckers eat a variety of berries , nuts and insects associated with Arkansas ’ native plants . The presence of native plants attracts native insects , birds , reptiles , amphibians , mammals , and more . As prey animals congregate to an environment , predators will soon follow . Native raptors ( or birds of prey ) hunt smaller mice , chipmunks and snakes that may use native plant areas for their food sources , as well .
Native plants provide a foundation for the presence of many other native species . To increase native animal sightings near you , consider growing a native plant garden . The presence of native plants will bring more naturally occurring insects , birds , reptiles , and many other animals . The amazing relationship between native plants and animals is one to see for yourself , so consider planting some of the following species and watch your garden grow *:
• Ninebark
• Chokeberries
• Elderberries
• Coneflowers
• Big bluestem
• Ouachita blazing star
• Milkweed
* Note : Some of these plants are toxic to domestic pets .
28 • October 2024 • www . OfficialKidsMag . com
Photos courtesy Quin Warsaw . Quin is a teen nature and wildlife photographer who lives in Northwest Arkansas . He has photographed almost 200 species of birds in Arkansas . See more of his photos at SnappysView . ShootProof . com or on his Facebook page @ SnappysView .