Official Kids Mag October 2024 | Page 18

A fire has started at 101 Flintstone Lane ! How will everyone in the house know there is a fire ?
By the time anyone in the family smells smoke , the fire could be too big for the people upstairs to get down the stairs . This is a job for Super Sniffer Blaster Bleepers , your life-saving smoke alarms !
Put smoke alarms in several places in your home :
Each bedroom .
Just outside all bedroom areas .
At least one smoke alarm on each floor of the house .
Near the kitchen , but more than 20 feet away , so that cooking smoke and steam don ’ t set it off .
Test smoke alarms each month to make sure they are working , and so you ’ ll know what they sound like when they go off .
Replace old batteries with brand new ones at least once a year .
Quick ! Cut out each of the smoke alarms . Read the Super Sniffer Blaster Bleeper ’ s Smoke Alarm Tips to find out where you should put each smoke alarm !
Replace smoke alarms at least every 10 years .
Keep smoke alarms dust free . Run the vacuum cleaner attachment over and around the alarms to clean away the dust .
Standards Link : Health and Safety : Students develop and use appropriate skills to avoid injury .
Official Kids Mag www . kidscoop . com © Vicki Whiting October 2024