Official Kids Mag October 2024 | Page 14

6 undreds of years ago , in what is now Great Britain and Northern France , lived people called the Celts . The Celts __________ the sun .
The Celts celebrated their New Year on November 1 . It was a ________ to mark the end of the time of light and the beginning of the time of _________.
On the evening of October 31 , the Celts would put out the ____________ fires in their homes . Their priests , called Druids , would meet and light new fires . They danced and made sacrifices .
hen morning dawned , the Druids would give an ember from their fires to each ________ to take home and start new cooking fires . The family received its ember in a _________ carved out of a big turnip . The people believed these lanterns kept evil spirits away .
hile many people in these lands took on new religions over the years , the ________ of the turnip lantern remained .
When early settlers came to America , they found pumpkins made good carved lanterns .
Find where each missing word belongs .
Standards Link : History : Students understand the origins of holidays .
Which jack-o ’ -lantern along the path is made using all of these shapes ?
Standards Link : Geometry : Identify geometric objects .
Instead of a candle , light your jack-o ’ -lantern with a glow stick . It ’ s much safer !
Official Kids Mag www . kidscoop . com © Vicki Whiting October 2024