Official Kids Mag January 2025 | Page 18


Chameleon Cutie

The world ’ s smallest chameleon , the Brookesia micra chameleon lives on the island of Madagascar .
Adult males grow to only about a halfinch ( 16 millimeters ) from nose to tail .
The world is full of tiny , adorable animals . This month , meet some of them in Kid Scoop News !
This chameleon is so small that you might miss it if you don ’ t look very closely . In fact , scientists did miss this tiny guy for a long time .
Circle every third number to discover the year the Brookesia micra chameleon was discovered .
The Paedophryne amauensis frog is about the size of a housefly . It is so tiny that it can fit on a grape . It measures only about a third of an inch or 7.7 millimeters long .
How a Scientist Discovered the Tiny Frog
Christopher Austin is a herpetologist — a scientist that studies reptiles and amphibians .
He wanted to find the animal making an unusual “ tink-tink-tink ” sound in the tropical forest of Papua New Guinea .
He heard the noise coming from some dead leaves on the forest floor . He looked and looked but couldn ’ t find any animals . He grabbed a clump of the leaves and put them into a bag . Back at his camp , he checked each of the hundreds of leaves in the bag .
Imagine his happy surprise when a tiny animal hopped off one of the leaves . It was a tiny frog that no one had ever seen before .
Standards Link : Life Science : Animals have structures that serve different functions in survival .
Can you find each frog ’ s identical twin ?
Replace the missing words .

Madame Berthe ’ s Mouse Lemur

The world ’ s smallest primate ________ only one ounce ( 30 grams ), or about the same as a slice of ________. It is called Madame Berthe ’ s mouse lemur .
While the cute critter is super tiny , it has large eyes which help it ______ at night and a tail that is _______ than its body .

Bee Hummingbird

It ’ s the smallest bird in the world and weighs less than two ounces ( 57g ). Don ’ t let its size fool you ! It ’ s tiny but powerful . It can flap its little wings 80 times per second !
Official Kids Mag www . kidscoop . com © Vicki Whiting January 2025