Official Kids Mag February 2025 | Page 5

pastel , watercolor , graphite , ink , and mixed media on canvas , wood , paper , or poster board no larger than 24 x 32 inches . Students will submit a clear photograph of their artwork online and keep their original art .
Artwork is judged on creativity , skill and interpretation of the theme . A panel of professional artists will select four winners in each grade , including first place , second place , third place and honorable mention .
In addition , one Best of Show winner will be selected within the following grade categories : Elementary School ( grades K-4 ), Middle School ( grades 5-8 ) and High School ( grades 9-12 ).
Entered artwork and winning artwork from 2024 are displayed on the Arkansas Wildlife Federation website ( arwild . org ) and its Facebook page ( www . facebook . com / arkansaswildlifefederation ).
Some entrants make their art in school art classes , while others create their work independently . All Arkansas students are welcome to enter , including homeschooled students .
Artists should do research
Kynslee Willis
to make sure their subject is native to our state . “ Native ” means the subject exists naturally in Arkansas . Domesticated animals – such as dogs and cats or ornamental flowers – are not native . For example , tigers live in Arkansas in special sanctuaries , but are not native .
A resource packet for teachers and students is available on the Arkansas Wildlife Federation website . Lesson plans for classes and individual student worksheets are provided . Wildlife booklets with pictures and digital resources , such as video , are also available to provide ideas .
Students may submit one artwork per year to the contest . Only artwork created during the current school year will be eligible .
Winners will be announced the week of April 15 via the email provided on the submission form . Please be sure that you enter a valid and
Mya Shissler
correct email address when submitting your artwork . If you were chosen as a winner , you will receive an individual email stating the award with additional information . If you aren ’ t selected as a winner , you will receive a standard email letting you know that judging has concluded and encouraging you to try again next year .
Hadlie Boyles
Piper Duhamel
Christian Campbell
Karter Massey
Paige Housenick

Complete information , rules and the online entry portal can be found online at https :// arwild . org / art-contest

The Arkansas Wildlife Federation is an independent , nongovernmental , statewide organization dedicated to the future of Arkansas wildlife .
www . OfficialKidsMag . com • February 2025 • 5